Sunday, July 27, 2008

A First Birthday to Remember!

Joseph had an early first birthday celebration! Mommy forgot to get him a hat to wear, and there was no candle on the cake. Bad mommy, but she'll do her best to remember next year... Thanks to the visiting family for supplying the Ukrop's cake!!

On hand were his Grandparents, Aunt, Uncle, Cousins, and his two Great-Grandmothers!

We had a wonderful weekend of cake, ice cream, and lots to eat!!

Joseph got lots of gifts!!! A sandbox, water table and tons of fun toys to play with at the beach. He also got some new jammies, and for those of you who know our little future Hugh Hefner (only in the wardrobe department!!) he'll be hanging out in those most of his weekends.
We've also learned a new silly song...(thanks Cousin Kayla and Makenzie)!!


MJenks said...

Riiiiiiiiiiiiight...Joe's son--who walks around the house without pants!--is only going to dress like Hugh Hefner.


Kate said...

You may need to ask Joe about what pajama clad Joseph was doing with his monkey yesterday. Mommie's dreams died a little...

MJenks said...

Now I'm really upset that Mr. Joe was not at lunch today.